Booger's Booze

Booger's Booze recipe

Booger's Booze Ingredients

Booger's Booze Instructions

Booger's Booze is a delicious and refreshing cocktail that is perfect for any occasion. Whether you are hosting a party or just relaxing at home, this cocktail is sure to impress your guests and satisfy your taste buds.

To make Booger's Booze, you will need a few simple ingredients and a shaker. Start by filling the shaker with ice and adding the desired amount of vodka. Next, squeeze in the juice of a fresh lime. This will give the cocktail a tangy and citrusy flavor.

Once you have added the vodka and lime juice, it's time to add a splash of cranberry juice. This will add a hint of sweetness to balance out the tartness of the lime. Shake the ingredients together in the shaker until they are well mixed and chilled.

Now it's time to strain the cocktail into a glass. You can use a fancy martini glass or a regular old tumbler - it's up to you! Garnish the cocktail with a lime wedge or a cherry for an extra pop of flavor and visual appeal.

Booger's Booze is best served cold, so make sure to serve it immediately after making it. You can also make a large batch of the cocktail ahead of time and keep it in the fridge until you are ready to serve. Just be sure to give it a good stir before serving to make sure all of the flavors are well mixed.

So next time you are in need of a refreshing and tasty cocktail, give Booger's Booze a try. You won't be disappointed!

Best served in a Collins Glass.