
Candida recipe

Candida Ingredients

Candida Instructions

Candida is a delightful cocktail that combines the delicious flavors of grapefruit, lime, and tequila. This refreshing drink is perfect for any occasion, whether it's a fun summer party or a cozy night in.

To make a Candida cocktail, start by gathering all the necessary ingredients. You will need fresh grapefruit juice, fresh lime juice, tequila, and a sweetener of your choice, such as simple syrup or agave nectar.

In a shaker, combine 2 ounces of grapefruit juice, 1 ounce of lime juice, 1.5 ounces of tequila, and a splash of your chosen sweetener. Fill the shaker with ice and shake vigorously for about 20 seconds to ensure all the flavors are well combined.

Next, strain the mixture into a chilled cocktail glass. You can garnish the drink with a slice of grapefruit or a wedge of lime to add a touch of visual appeal.

Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy your refreshing Candida cocktail. The blend of tangy grapefruit, zesty lime, and smooth tequila will transport you to a tropical paradise with every sip.

Best served in a Champagne Saucer.