
Combo recipe

Combo Ingredients

Combo Instructions

Combo Cocktail Recipe

Looking for a refreshing and delicious cocktail to enjoy on a hot summer day? Look no further than the Combo cocktail! This tasty drink is a combination of sweet and sour flavors that will leave you wanting more.

To make the Combo cocktail, you will need a few simple ingredients and a shaker. Start by filling the shaker halfway with ice. Then, add your favorite citrus vodka and a splash of orange liqueur. Next, squeeze in the juice of half a lime and half a lemon. Add a touch of simple syrup for sweetness, and shake everything together until well combined.

Once your cocktail is mixed, strain it into a chilled glass filled with ice. Garnish with a lime wedge or lemon twist for an extra pop of flavor. The Combo cocktail is best enjoyed straight away, so be sure to serve it up to your guests as soon as it's ready.

Whether you're hosting a summer gathering or just looking to unwind after a long day, the Combo cocktail is sure to hit the spot. Its refreshing and tangy flavors make it the perfect drink to sip on a hot day. So grab your ingredients and get ready to mix up this delightful drink!

Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.