Frozen Apple

Frozen Apple recipe

Frozen Apple Ingredients

Frozen Apple Instructions

I love experimenting with different cocktail recipes, and one of my recent favorites is the Frozen Apple. This refreshing drink is perfect for a hot summer day or any time you need a delicious and icy treat.

To make the Frozen Apple, you'll need a few simple ingredients and a blender. Start by peeling and cutting two green apples into small pieces. Add the apple pieces to the blender along with a cup of ice cubes and half a cup of apple juice. Blend everything together until smooth and slushy.

If you prefer a sweeter taste, you can add a tablespoon of honey or a splash of simple syrup to the mixture. Once everything is blended, pour the Frozen Apple into glasses and garnish with a slice of fresh apple or a sprig of mint.

This cocktail is perfect for parties or gatherings, as it can easily be made in large batches. Simply multiply the ingredients based on the number of servings you need. You can also get creative with the garnish by adding a cinnamon stick or a sprinkle of cinnamon on top.

The Frozen Apple is a versatile cocktail that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. If you want to make it an adult-only beverage, you can add a shot of vodka or rum to give it an extra kick. Just be sure to blend the alcohol in with the other ingredients for a smooth and well-mixed drink.

Next time you're in the mood for a refreshing and fruity cocktail, give the Frozen Apple a try. It's a simple and tasty drink that will cool you down and impress your guests. Cheers!

Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.