Frozen Tequila Screwdriver

Frozen Tequila Screwdriver recipe

Frozen Tequila Screwdriver Ingredients

Frozen Tequila Screwdriver Instructions

The Frozen Tequila Screwdriver is a refreshing and easy-to-make cocktail that combines the flavors of tequila and orange juice. This icy drink is perfect for hot summer days or as a party favorite.

To make a Frozen Tequila Screwdriver, start by gathering your ingredients. You'll need tequila, orange juice, ice cubes, and a blender. Fill the blender with ice cubes and pour in equal parts of tequila and orange juice. Blend the mixture until it becomes slushy and smooth.

Pour the Frozen Tequila Screwdriver into chilled glasses and garnish with a slice of orange or a sprig of mint. Serve immediately and enjoy the icy goodness of this delicious cocktail. The Frozen Tequila Screwdriver is sure to be a crowd-pleaser at any gathering.

Remember to drink responsibly and never drink and drive. Cheers!

Best served in a Highball Glass.