Fuck Your Buddy or Nipples Drinking Game

Everyone stands around the table with their drinks. Each player gets 2 poker chips, and sets them out in front of him or herself next to each other, like nipples (hence the name). The dealer gives each person one card. Everyone looks at their card, but doesn't show it to anyone else. The person to the dealer's left can either keep their card, or pass it to the person on their left. Aces are lowest in this game, and you want to have the highest card possible. You cannot refuse to switch with a person if they want to switch cards with you unless you have a King, in which case, you flip it face-up on the table and exclaim, "FUCK YOU!" or something of the like. So Kings are "block" cards, and you cannot exchange with anyone who has a King. When the trading gets back to the dealer, the dealer can discard the card given to him or her and take the first card from the top of the deck as their new card. Everyone then flips their cards over and the person or people with the lowest cards lose a nipple (poker chip). Everyone else takes a drink, and drinking generally goes on all during the game anyway. Lather, rinse, repeat.

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