NFL PRIMETIME Fanatic Drinking Game

The Rules are very simple. Everyone sits watching NFL Primetime - this will usually be a Sunday night after all the games are over. Keep your shot glasses full because the drinking starts quick.
*Everytime there is a turnover in the highlights, Take a shot
*Everytime there is a blocked kick Take a shot
*Everytime the announcer states a fact. (for example Eli Manning went 10 for 40 his worst game as a starter.) Take a shot.
* Then Finally During Commercials Take 2 shots before the show comes back.
The Last Rule is When everyone has to say "SHOT" before they take their shot. Or else they have to finish whats left in their can.
On Average this takes about 6 beers a person in a half an hour. And it doesn't take much paying attention because once you learn the rules. It becomes instinct to take the shot.

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