Blow Me Drinking Game

Take a deck of cards and stack them on top of a bottle (beer, vodka, whatever..). Each person than tries to blow the cards off the deck.

If they can blow one card off than everyone drinks, if they blow more than one off nothing happens, BUT when someone blows the whole deck off they have to drink the entire time while everyone sings this little tune: We will use the name Julie as as example...

"Oh here's to sister (when its a guy you say brother) Julie, sister Julie, sister Julie, oh here's to sister Julie who's with us tonight...she eats it, she beats it, she even mistreats drink muther f*cker, drink muther f*cker, drink muther f*cker drink!!!!". The crowd can sing as fast or as slow as they would like. You can get pretty wasted.lts. College students love beer.

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