Blue Latvian

Blue Latvian recipe

Blue Latvian Ingredients

Blue Latvian Instructions

The Blue Latvian is a refreshing cocktail that is perfect for those hot summer days. This vibrant blue drink combines the flavors of citrus and vodka, creating a delicious and tangy beverage. Whether you are hosting a summer party or simply looking for a new cocktail to try, the Blue Latvian is sure to impress your guests. To make the Blue Latvian, you will need a few simple ingredients and a shaker. Start by filling the shaker halfway with ice cubes. Add 2 parts citrus vodka and 1 part blue curacao to the shaker. Blue curacao is a liqueur that has a distinct blue color and a mild orange flavor. It gives the Blue Latvian its vibrant blue hue. Next, squeeze the juice of one lemon into the shaker. The lemon juice adds a refreshing citrusy taste to the cocktail. Finally, shake the shaker vigorously for about 15 seconds to combine all the ingredients and create a chilled and well-mixed drink. Once the Blue Latvian is well shaken, strain it into a chilled cocktail glass. You can garnish it with a lemon twist or a slice of lemon for an extra touch of citrusy flavor. Serve the Blue Latvian immediately, as it is best enjoyed when it is ice-cold. The Blue Latvian is a versatile cocktail that can be enjoyed on its own or paired with various appetizers. Its vibrant blue color makes it a visually stunning drink, perfect for special occasions or themed parties. So, the next time you are looking for a refreshing and tangy cocktail, give the Blue Latvian a try. Its citrusy flavors and vibrant blue color are sure to make a lasting impression on your taste buds and your guests.
  1. Fill a cocktail shaker halfway with ice cubes.
  2. Add 2 parts citrus vodka and 1 part blue curacao to the shaker.
  3. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into the shaker.
  4. Shake the shaker vigorously for about 15 seconds.
  5. Strain the cocktail into a chilled glass.
  6. Garnish with a lemon twist or a slice of lemon, if desired.
  7. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Best served in a Collins Glass.