Carmel Sour Apple Shooter

Carmel Sour Apple Shooter recipe

Carmel Sour Apple Shooter Ingredients

Carmel Sour Apple Shooter Instructions

The Carmel Sour Apple Shooter is a sweet and tangy cocktail that combines the flavors of caramel and green apple. This delicious shot is perfect for parties or as an after-dinner treat.

To make a Carmel Sour Apple Shooter, start by rimming a shot glass with caramel sauce. Then, in a shaker filled with ice, combine equal parts green apple vodka and sour apple liqueur. Shake well to mix the ingredients together.

Once the mixture is well combined, strain it into the rimmed shot glass. The caramel rim will add a touch of sweetness to each sip, balancing out the tartness of the green apple and sour apple flavors. Serve the Carmel Sour Apple Shooter immediately and enjoy!

Best served in a Shot Glass.