Chris' Flaming Skull

Chris' Flaming Skull recipe

Chris' Flaming Skull Ingredients

Chris' Flaming Skull Instructions

About Chris' Flaming Skull Cocktail

The Chris' Flaming Skull cocktail is a fiery and delicious drink that is sure to impress your friends at your next party. This cocktail gets its name from the impressive presentation that involves setting the drink on fire. The combination of flavors in this cocktail is perfectly balanced, creating a unique and unforgettable taste experience.

How to Make a Chris' Flaming Skull Cocktail

Making a Chris' Flaming Skull cocktail is not as complicated as it may seem. Follow these simple steps to create this stunning and delicious drink:

  1. Start by chilling a cocktail glass in the freezer for a few minutes.
  2. Once the glass is chilled, take it out of the freezer and set it aside.
  3. Mix the ingredients in a shaker with ice. Make sure to shake well to ensure all the flavors are well combined.
  4. After shaking, strain the mixture into the chilled cocktail glass.
  5. Now comes the fun part - creating the flaming effect. Carefully pour a high-proof alcohol (such as rum or vodka) over the back of a spoon on top of the cocktail.
  6. Light the alcohol on fire using a long match or lighter. Be cautious and keep a fire extinguisher nearby, just in case.
  7. Let the flame burn for a few seconds, creating a captivating and mesmerizing display.
  8. When you're ready to enjoy your drink, blow out the flame and sip it slowly.

It's important to remember that playing with fire can be dangerous, so always take the necessary precautions and exercise caution when creating this flaming cocktail. Enjoy responsibly!

Whether it's for a Halloween party or just a fun night in with friends, the Chris' Flaming Skull cocktail is sure to be a hit. It's a drink that not only tastes great but also looks impressive and makes for a memorable experience. So gather your ingredients, get your fire extinguisher ready, and prepare to wow your friends with this flaming creation!

Best served in a Beer Mug.