Pimp & Hoe

Pimp & Hoe recipe

Pimp & Hoe Ingredients

Pimp & Hoe Instructions

Cocktail Recipe: Pimp & Hoe


The Pimp & Hoe cocktail is a delicious and refreshing drink that combines the flavors of vodka, watermelon schnapps, and cranberry juice. This cocktail is perfect for a casual get-together with friends or as a signature drink for a summer party.


To make a Pimp & Hoe cocktail, follow these simple steps:

  1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice.
  2. Add 1.5 ounces of vodka to the shaker.
  3. Pour in 1 ounce of watermelon schnapps.
  4. Add 2 ounces of cranberry juice.
  5. Cover the shaker and shake well to combine all the ingredients.
  6. Strain the mixture into a chilled martini glass.
  7. Garnish with a slice of watermelon or a fresh mint sprig, if desired.
  8. Serve and enjoy!

That's all it takes to create the refreshing Pimp & Hoe cocktail. It's a simple yet delicious drink that will impress your guests and leave them wanting more.

Best served in a Cocktail Glass.