Chocolate Squirrel

Chocolate Squirrel recipe

Chocolate Squirrel Ingredients

Chocolate Squirrel Instructions

The Chocolate Squirrel cocktail is a delicious and indulgent drink that is perfect for chocolate lovers. This cocktail is made with a combination of rich and creamy chocolate liqueur, coffee liqueur, and vodka, creating a decadent concoction that is sure to satisfy any sweet tooth.

To make a Chocolate Squirrel, start by filling a shaker with ice. Add 1 ounce of chocolate liqueur, 1 ounce of coffee liqueur, and 1 ounce of vodka to the shaker. Shake the ingredients well to combine and chill the cocktail.

Once the cocktail is thoroughly mixed, strain it into a glass filled with ice. Garnish the drink with a sprinkle of cocoa powder or a chocolate syrup drizzle for an extra touch of chocolatey goodness. Serve the Chocolate Squirrel cocktail immediately and enjoy!

Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.