Tennessee Coffee

Tennessee Coffee Instructions
Put Jack Daniel's whiskey into a mug and add sugar as you would with your coffee. Brew coffee, preferably with an espresso machine, but any good, dark coffee works. If you have an espresso machine, froth and steam milk. If not add cream to taste. Tastes like a good, strong coffee with a hint of Jack.
Best served in a Coffee Mug.
Drink Recipes made with the Ingredients Above
Banana Cognac Tennessee Coffee Homemade Coquito Bueno GordBuster from Hell Galliano Liqueur Irish Shake Alize Emerald Black Haus Mitten Black Haus Orange Coffee Black Haus Warmer Eerie Witch's Brew Fall Spice Cordial Flaming Duck Quiff Ginger Float Iced Fritter Kotikalja Leche de Monja Medd Sima Spanish Gentlemen The Hot Churchill
Banana Cognac Tennessee Coffee Homemade Coquito Bueno GordBuster from Hell Galliano Liqueur Irish Shake Alize Emerald Black Haus Mitten Black Haus Orange Coffee Black Haus Warmer Eerie Witch's Brew Fall Spice Cordial Flaming Duck Quiff Ginger Float Iced Fritter Kotikalja Leche de Monja Medd Sima Spanish Gentlemen The Hot Churchill