Orange 43

Orange 43 recipe

Orange 43 Ingredients

Orange 43 Instructions

The Orange 43 cocktail is a refreshing and citrusy drink that is perfect for any occasion. Made with a combination of orange liqueur, vanilla vodka, and orange juice, this cocktail is sure to be a hit at your next gathering.

To make the Orange 43 cocktail, start by filling a shaker with ice. Add 1 ounce of orange liqueur, 1 ounce of vanilla vodka, and 1 ounce of orange juice to the shaker. Shake well to combine the ingredients.

Next, strain the cocktail into a chilled glass. You can use a martini glass or any other type of glass that you prefer. Garnish the drink with a slice of orange or a twist of orange peel for an added touch of citrus flavor.

The Orange 43 cocktail is a simple and delicious drink that is perfect for any occasion. Its combination of orange liqueur, vanilla vodka, and orange juice creates a balanced and refreshing flavor profile that is sure to please your taste buds. Whether you are hosting a party or simply want to enjoy a tasty cocktail at home, the Orange 43 is a great choice.

To make the Orange 43 cocktail, follow these steps:

  1. Fill a shaker with ice.
  2. Add 1 ounce of orange liqueur to the shaker.
  3. Add 1 ounce of vanilla vodka to the shaker.
  4. Add 1 ounce of orange juice to the shaker.
  5. Shake well to combine the ingredients.
  6. Strain the cocktail into a chilled glass.
  7. Garnish with a slice of orange or a twist of orange peel.

Enjoy your Orange 43 cocktail!

Best served in a Red Wine Glass.