
Brooklynite recipe

Brooklynite Ingredients

Brooklynite Instructions

Brooklynite Cocktail Recipe

The Brooklynite is a classic cocktail that originated in Brooklyn, New York. It is a refreshing and slightly fruity drink that is perfect for summer evenings or any time you want to kick back and relax.

To make a Brooklynite, you will need a few key ingredients and a shaker. The cocktail consists of rum, lime juice, honey syrup, and bitters. The rum provides a smooth and rich base for the drink, while the lime juice adds a tangy and citrusy flavor. The honey syrup adds a touch of sweetness, and the bitters bring balance and depth to the cocktail.

To prepare the Brooklynite, start by filling a shaker with ice. Add 2 ounces of rum, 1 ounce of lime juice, 1/2 ounce of honey syrup, and a dash of bitters. Shake the ingredients vigorously for about 30 seconds to chill and mix them together.

Next, strain the cocktail into a chilled glass. You can use a coupe glass or a rocks glass, depending on your preference. If desired, you can garnish the drink with a lime wheel or a twist of lime peel. This adds a nice visual touch and enhances the citrus aroma of the cocktail.

The Brooklynite is a versatile cocktail that can be enjoyed on its own or paired with a variety of dishes. Its balanced flavors and refreshing nature make it a crowd-pleaser at parties and gatherings. So go ahead and mix up a Brooklynite for your next social occasion - your guests will thank you!

Best served in a Cocktail Glass.