Buttered Toffee

Buttered Toffee recipe

Buttered Toffee Ingredients

Buttered Toffee Instructions

The Buttered Toffee cocktail is a delicious and decadent drink that will satisfy your sweet tooth. This cocktail is perfect for those who enjoy a combination of creamy and nutty flavors with a hint of toffee. It is a great choice for a dessert drink or a special treat at any time of the day.

To make a Buttered Toffee cocktail, you will need a few simple ingredients and a shaker. Start by adding a generous amount of ice to the shaker. Next, pour in a shot of butterscotch liqueur, followed by a shot of hazelnut liqueur. If you prefer a stronger drink, you can add an additional shot of vodka.

Close the shaker tightly and shake it vigorously for about 30 seconds. This will help to fully mix the ingredients and chill the cocktail. Once you are done shaking, strain the cocktail into a chilled glass. Optionally, you can garnish it with a sprinkle of cinnamon or a caramel drizzle for extra flavor and presentation.

The Buttered Toffee cocktail is best enjoyed slowly, savoring each sip and allowing the flavors to unfold on your palate. Its smooth and creamy texture, combined with the rich and sweet flavors of butterscotch and hazelnut, make it a delightful choice for any occasion. Whether you are hosting a party or simply want to treat yourself to a special drink, this cocktail is sure to impress.

Best served in a Cordial Glass.