Colorado Bulldog

Colorado Bulldog recipe

Colorado Bulldog Ingredients

Colorado Bulldog Instructions

The Colorado Bulldog is a classic cocktail that is similar to a White Russian but with a splash of cola. It is a creamy and sweet drink that combines vodka, coffee liqueur, cream, and cola to create a delicious and refreshing beverage.

To make a Colorado Bulldog, start by filling a highball glass with ice. Next, add 1 ounce of vodka and 1 ounce of coffee liqueur to the glass. Stir gently to combine the two ingredients. Add a splash of cream to the glass and stir again. Finally, top off the cocktail with a splash of cola. Garnish with a cherry, if desired, and serve immediately.

Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

Colorado Bulldog Variations Irish Bulldog |

The Colorado Bulldog cocktail is a delicious and refreshing drink that combines the flavors of Kahlua, vodka, cream, and cola. This classic cocktail has its origins in the United States and is believed to have been created in the 1970s.

To make a Colorado Bulldog cocktail, you will need equal parts Kahlua coffee liqueur, vodka, and cream. Fill a highball glass with ice and add the Kahlua and vodka. Top it off with cream until the glass is almost full. Finally, pour cola over the top to give it a fizzy finish.

The combination of sweet Kahlua, smooth vodka, creamy texture from the cream, and carbonation from the cola makes for a well-balanced drink that is perfect for any occasion. The name "Colorado Bulldog" may be inspired by both its ingredients (Kahlua being made with Mexican coffee beans) as well as its appearance resembling a bulldog's coat color.

Whether you're enjoying this cocktail at home or out at your favorite bar or restaurant, be sure to savor each sip of this delightful concoction. Cheers!

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