Cassidy Mist

Cassidy Mist recipe

Cassidy Mist Ingredients

Cassidy Mist Instructions

The Cassidy Mist cocktail is a refreshing and fruity drink that is perfect for any occasion. This cocktail is named after the famous Cassidy Hotel in Dublin, known for its elegant atmosphere and top-notch bartenders.

To make a Cassidy Mist, you will need a few simple ingredients and a shaker. Start by adding some ice to your shaker, then pour in a generous amount of your favorite gin. Add a splash of lime juice, which will give the cocktail a tangy twist. Next, add a dash of grenadine syrup for a touch of sweetness and a beautiful red color. Shake all the ingredients together until well combined.

Once your Cassidy Mist cocktail is mixed, strain it into a chilled glass filled with ice. Garnish with a fresh slice of lime and a sprig of mint to add a pop of color and freshness to your drink. Sip and enjoy the crisp and fruity flavors of the Cassidy Mist cocktail.

This cocktail is perfect for those who enjoy a light and refreshing drink with a hint of sweetness. The combination of gin, lime juice, and grenadine creates a balanced and flavorful cocktail that is sure to impress your guests. Serve it at your next gathering or enjoy it on a warm summer day.

The Cassidy Mist cocktail is a versatile drink that can be customized to suit your taste preferences. If you prefer a sweeter drink, you can add more grenadine syrup. If you like a stronger and more tart cocktail, you can add extra lime juice. Feel free to experiment and make this cocktail your own!

Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.