
FrazzleBerry recipe

FrazzleBerry Ingredients

FrazzleBerry Instructions

Cocktail Recipe: FrazzleBerry

The FrazzleBerry cocktail is a delightful and refreshing drink, perfect for those who enjoy fruity and tangy flavors. This eye-catching cocktail combines the sweetness of berries with a zingy twist, making it a crowd-pleaser at any gathering or special occasion.


  1. Start by gently muddling a handful of fresh berries in a cocktail shaker.
  2. Add a splash of lemon juice and a teaspoon of sugar to the shaker.
  3. Pour in a generous shot of your favorite vodka.
  4. Add ice cubes to the shaker and give it a vigorous shake to mix all the ingredients together.
  5. Strain the cocktail into a chilled glass.
  6. Garnish with a slice of lemon and a few fresh berries.
  7. Serve and enjoy! Cheers!

Remember to always drink responsibly and never drink and drive.

Best served in a Highball Glass.

FrazzleBerry Cocktail: A Refreshing Blend of Flavors

The FrazzleBerry cocktail is a delightful and refreshing drink that combines the sweet and tangy flavors of berries with the crispness of soda water. This cocktail has gained popularity in recent years for its unique taste and beautiful presentation.

Origins of the FrazzleBerry Cocktail

The exact origins of the FrazzleBerry cocktail are unclear, but it is believed to have been created by mixologists looking to create a new and exciting drink that would appeal to a wide range of tastes. The name "FrazzleBerry" likely comes from the combination of "frazzled," meaning stressed or agitated, and "berry," referring to the fruity flavors in the drink.


  • 1 oz vodka

  • 1/2 oz raspberry liqueur

  • 1/4 oz lime juice

  • Soda water

  • Fresh raspberries for garnish


  1. In a shaker, combine vodka, raspberry liqueur, and lime juice.
  2. Add ice to the shaker and shake well until chilled. lI>Pour mixture into a glass over ice.
    Top off with soda water.
    Garnish with fresh raspberries.
    Serve immediately and enjoy!
    h3>Taste Profile:
    pThe FrazzleBerry cocktail is both sweet and tart, thanks to the combination of raspberry liqueurand lime juice. The addition ofsoda water gives ita fizzy finishthat makesit perfectfor warm summer daysor as apick-me-upafter along dayat work.The fresh raspberries on top adda burstof flavorand make thiscocktailas visually appealing asit istasty.

    pWhilethe classicFrazzleBerrycoktailis made withvodka,raspberryliqueur,andlimejuice,you canexperimentwith different spiritsandflavorsto create your own twistonthisrefreshingdrink.For example,you could try usinggininsteadofvodkaoraddingmuddledstrawberriesto enhance thenatural sweetnessofthe beverage.Youcouldalsotry substituting lemonadeorsparklingwineforthesodawater fora slightlydifferenttakeontheclassicrecipe.ThewonderfulthingaboutthefFazzelBerrycoktailisthatthereareendlesspossibilitiesforcustomizationto suityourtastepreferences.

    pInconclusion,theFazzelBerrycoktailisa deliciouslyrefreshingbeverage thatcombinesfruitysweetnesswithacrispfizziness.Itsoriginsmaybemysterious,butitspopularityissuretonothaveyou feeling"frrazled."Nexttimeyou'rein themoodforacocktailthat'sbothtastyandeye-catching,give thieFazzelBerrycoktailltry-youwon'tbedisappointed!

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