Rainbow Orgy

Rainbow Orgy recipe

Rainbow Orgy Ingredients

Rainbow Orgy Instructions

The Rainbow Orgy is a vibrant and colorful cocktail that is sure to be a hit at any party. This visually stunning drink combines an array of colorful liqueurs to create a beautiful rainbow effect. Not only does it look amazing, but it also tastes delicious.

To make a Rainbow Orgy, start by filling a glass with ice. Pour each of the liqueurs one by one over the back of a spoon into the glass, starting with the heaviest liqueur and ending with the lightest. This will create distinct layers and prevent the colors from mixing together.

Once all the liqueurs are layered in the glass, garnish it with a slice of lime or lemon. This will add a refreshing citrusy flavor to the drink. Serve the Rainbow Orgy immediately and watch as your guests marvel at its beauty.

Keep in mind that the exact measurements of each liqueur may vary depending on the size of your glass. Adjust the amounts accordingly to achieve the desired rainbow effect.

The Rainbow Orgy is a truly unique and eye-catching cocktail that will make any occasion feel more festive. Whether you're hosting a party or just enjoying a night in, this drink is sure to impress.

So why not mix up a Rainbow Orgy and add a burst of color to your next gathering? Cheers!

Best served in a Highball Glass.