Amer Picon Punch

Amer Picon Punch recipe

Amer Picon Punch Ingredients

Amer Picon Punch Instructions

The Amer Picon Punch is a refreshing and citrusy cocktail that originated in France. It is a popular drink during the summer months and is often enjoyed as an aperitif. This cocktail has a unique flavor profile, with notes of bitter orange, herbs, and spices.

To make an Amer Picon Punch, start by filling a glass with ice. Add a generous pour of Amer Picon, a French bittersweet orange liqueur. Next, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the glass. If you prefer a sweeter taste, you can add a dash of simple syrup.

Give the ingredients a gentle stir to combine them. Top off the glass with soda water to add a refreshing fizz. Garnish the cocktail with a lemon slice or twist for a touch of brightness and a hint of citrus aroma.

The Amer Picon Punch is best served chilled and can be enjoyed on its own or accompanied by appetizers or light snacks. It is a versatile cocktail that can be easily customized to suit your taste preferences. Whether you're hosting a summer gathering or simply want to relax with a delicious beverage, give the Amer Picon Punch a try.

Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.