California Martini

California Martini recipe

California Martini Ingredients

California Martini Instructions

The California Martini is a refreshing cocktail that combines the flavors of vodka, vermouth, and a hint of orange. It is the perfect drink to enjoy on a warm summer day or to unwind after a long day at work.

To make a California Martini, begin by filling a cocktail shaker halfway with ice. Add 2 ounces of vodka and 1 ounce of vermouth to the shaker. Next, squeeze the juice of half an orange into the mixture. Shake the ingredients vigorously for about 15-20 seconds to ensure they are well combined and chilled.

Once the mixture is properly shaken, strain it into a chilled martini glass. Garnish the drink with a twist of orange peel or a cherry, if desired.

The California Martini is a simple yet elegant cocktail that is sure to impress your friends and family. Its citrusy flavors and smooth texture make it a delightful choice for any occasion. So why not give it a try and enjoy a taste of California in a glass!

Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

California Martini Drink Recipe: A Refreshing West Coast Twist

If you're looking for a refreshing cocktail that embodies the laid-back vibes of the West Coast, look no further than the California Martini. This twist on the classic martini combines gin, vermouth, and a splash of orange juice to create a drink that is both sophisticated and easy-drinking.

Origins of the California Martini

The origins of the California Martini are somewhat murky, but many believe it was first created in Los Angeles during the mid-20th century. The drink's name likely comes from its use of fresh orange juice, which is abundant in California. Some variations also include a dash of bitters or an orange twist garnish to enhance the citrus flavors.


- 2 oz gin
- 1/2 oz dry vermouth
- 1/2 oz sweet vermouth
- 1 oz fresh orange juice
- Ice cubes
- Orange twist (optional)


1. Fill a mixing glass with ice cubes.
2. Add gin, dry vermouth, sweet vermouth, and fresh orange juice to the mixing glass.
3. Stir well until chilled.
4. Strain into a chilled martini glass.
5. Garnish with an orange twist if desired.

Tips for Making the Perfect California Martini

To ensure your California Martini is perfectly balanced and delicious every time, keep these tips in mind:

Use high-quality ingredients: Since this cocktail has only a few components, using top-notch gin and fresh-squeezed orange juice will make all the difference in flavor.

Stir don't shake: Unlike some other cocktails like Margaritas or Daiquiris that benefit from shaking to mix ingredients thoroughly and chill quickly; Martinis should be stirred gently so as not to bruise or over-dilute them.

Experiment with ratios: If you prefer your drinks more citrusy or less sweet than usual try adjusting proportions slightly until you find what works best for your taste buds!

Whether you're sipping one poolside at a beachfront bar or enjoying it at home after work; this refreshing take on an iconic cocktail is sure to transport you straight to sunny Southern California! Cheers!

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