Commodore Cocktail

Commodore Cocktail recipe

Commodore Cocktail Ingredients

Commodore Cocktail Instructions

The Commodore cocktail is a classic drink that combines the flavors of bourbon, lime juice, grenadine, and bitters. It is a refreshing and citrusy cocktail that is perfect for sipping on a warm summer evening.

To make a Commodore cocktail, start by filling a cocktail shaker with ice. Add 2 ounces of bourbon, 1 ounce of lime juice, 1/2 ounce of grenadine, and a few dashes of bitters to the shaker. Shake well to combine the ingredients.

Strain the mixture into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a lime twist or a cherry, if desired. Serve and enjoy!

The Commodore cocktail is a great option for bourbon lovers who want to try something new. Its combination of sweet grenadine, tangy lime juice, and aromatic bitters creates a well-balanced and flavorful cocktail. Whether you're hosting a party or just relaxing at home, the Commodore cocktail is sure to impress your guests.

If you prefer a sweeter cocktail, you can adjust the amount of grenadine to taste. You can also experiment with different types of bitters to add depth and complexity to your drink. Whatever variations you choose, the Commodore cocktail is a versatile and delicious option for any occasion.

Best served in a Cocktail Glass.