Leap Year

Leap Year recipe

Leap Year Ingredients

Leap Year Instructions

The Leap Year cocktail is a classic drink that was created to celebrate leap year, which occurs once every four years. This refreshing and citrusy cocktail is perfect for a leap year party or any other occasion.
To make a Leap Year cocktail, you will need a few key ingredients. Start by gathering your favorite gin, Grand Marnier, sweet vermouth, and fresh lemon juice. You will also need an orange twist for garnish.
To prepare the Leap Year cocktail, begin by adding 2 ounces of gin to a mixing glass. Next, add 1/2 ounce of Grand Marnier, 1/2 ounce of sweet vermouth, and 1/4 ounce of fresh lemon juice. Fill the mixing glass with ice and stir well to combine all the ingredients.
Once the cocktail is well mixed, strain it into a chilled cocktail glass. To add the finishing touch, garnish the drink with a twist of orange peel. This will not only enhance the appearance of the cocktail but also add a hint of citrus flavor.
The Leap Year cocktail is a delightful and well-balanced drink that is sure to impress your guests. It's a unique twist on a classic cocktail that is perfect for any special occasion, especially leap year celebrations. So why not raise a glass and toast to an extra day in the year with this delicious cocktail?

Best served in a Cocktail Glass.