Orange Flamingo

Orange Flamingo recipe

Orange Flamingo Ingredients

Orange Flamingo Instructions

The Orange Flamingo is a vibrant and refreshing cocktail that is perfect for summer parties and gatherings. This cocktail is made with a combination of fresh orange juice and a splash of grenadine, which gives it a beautiful pink hue. It is then topped with a flaming orange peel, which adds a touch of elegance and flair to the drink.

To make an Orange Flamingo, start by squeezing fresh oranges to extract their juice. You can use a juicer or simply hand squeeze the oranges. Once you have the fresh orange juice ready, pour it into a tall glass. Add a splash of grenadine syrup to the glass and give it a gentle stir to combine the flavors.

Next, it's time to add the flaming orange peel. To create the flaming effect, take a small slice of orange peel and hold it about an inch above the drink. Using a lighter or a match, carefully ignite the peel, allowing the flames to engulf the oils in the peel. This will create a beautiful flame that dances on top of the drink. Be sure to extinguish the flame before serving.

The Orange Flamingo is best enjoyed immediately after preparation to ensure that the flavors are at their freshest. Serve the cocktail with a colorful straw and garnish with a fresh orange slice, if desired. The combination of the sweet and tangy orange juice with the hint of grenadine and the flaming orange peel creates a truly unforgettable cocktail experience.

So, the next time you're hosting a summer gathering, be sure to impress your guests with this stunning and delicious Orange Flamingo cocktail. Cheers!

Best served in a Highball Glass.