Orange Martini

Orange Martini recipe

Orange Martini Ingredients

Orange Martini Instructions

The Orange Martini is a refreshing and citrusy cocktail that is perfect for any occasion. With its vibrant orange color and tangy flavor, it is sure to impress your guests. This cocktail is made with a combination of vodka, orange liqueur, and freshly squeezed orange juice, giving it a bright and zesty taste that is impossible to resist.

To make an Orange Martini, start by filling a cocktail shaker with ice. Add 2 ounces of vodka, 1 ounce of orange liqueur, and 2 ounces of freshly squeezed orange juice to the shaker. Shake vigorously for about 15 seconds to combine all the ingredients and chill the cocktail.

Once the cocktail is thoroughly mixed and chilled, strain it into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a twist of orange peel or a slice of fresh orange for an extra burst of citrus flavor. Serve the Orange Martini immediately to enjoy its refreshing taste at its best.

The Orange Martini is a versatile cocktail that can be customized to suit your taste. If you prefer a sweeter drink, you can add a splash of simple syrup or agave nectar to the cocktail shaker before shaking. For a stronger kick, you can increase the amount of vodka or add a dash of orange bitters. Feel free to experiment with different variations to find your perfect Orange Martini recipe.

Whether you are hosting a party, enjoying a night out, or simply craving a citrusy and delightful cocktail, the Orange Martini is a fantastic choice. Its vibrant colors, tangy flavors, and refreshing taste make it a crowd-pleaser in any setting. So, grab your ingredients, shake up a batch, and savor the zesty goodness of an Orange Martini today!

Best served in a Cocktail Glass.