R.B. Winter

R.B. Winter recipe

R.B. Winter Ingredients

R.B. Winter Instructions

The R.B. Winter cocktail is a refreshing and tangy drink that is perfect for those hot summer days. It combines the flavors of grapefruit and lime with a hint of sweetness for a well-balanced and delicious cocktail.

To make the R.B. Winter cocktail, you will need some fresh grapefruit juice, lime juice, simple syrup, and vodka. Start by filling a cocktail shaker with ice. Add 2 ounces of grapefruit juice, 1 ounce of lime juice, 1/2 ounce of simple syrup, and 2 ounces of vodka to the shaker. Shake well to combine all of the ingredients.

Next, strain the cocktail into a glass filled with ice. Garnish with a slice of grapefruit or a lime wedge, if desired. The R.B. Winter cocktail is now ready to be enjoyed!

This cocktail is perfect for those who enjoy tangy and refreshing drinks. The grapefruit and lime juice provide a burst of citrus flavor, while the simple syrup adds just the right amount of sweetness to balance out the tartness. The vodka gives the cocktail a smooth and refreshing finish.

The R.B. Winter cocktail is also a great option for those who are looking for a low-calorie drink. By using fresh juices and simple syrup instead of sugary mixers, you can enjoy a delicious cocktail without the guilt.

So next time you're looking for a refreshing and tangy cocktail to enjoy on a hot summer day, give the R.B. Winter a try. You won't be disappointed!

Best served in a Highball Glass.