Royal Bill

Royal Bill recipe

Royal Bill Ingredients

Royal Bill Instructions

The Royal Bill cocktail is a delightful and refreshing drink that is perfect for any occasion. With its beautiful combination of flavors and attractive appearance, it is sure to impress your guests. Whether you are hosting a party or simply relaxing at home, this cocktail will elevate your experience.

To make a Royal Bill cocktail, you will need a few basic ingredients and some simple steps to follow. Begin by gathering your supplies, which include a shaker, ice cubes, a strainer, and a cocktail glass. You will also need the following ingredients:

- Gin

- Elderflower liqueur

- Lime juice

- Simple syrup

- Fresh basil leaves

Once you have all your ingredients ready, start by adding a handful of ice cubes to your cocktail shaker. Next, measure out 2 ounces of gin and pour it into the shaker. Then, add 1 ounce of elderflower liqueur, 1 ounce of lime juice, and half an ounce of simple syrup. Finally, tear a few fresh basil leaves and add them to the shaker.

Now, it's time to shake things up! Secure the lid tightly on your shaker and give it a vigorous shake. This will help mix all the ingredients together and infuse the flavors. Once you are satisfied with your shaking skills, strain the mixture into a cocktail glass. Make sure to remove any ice or basil leaves that may have snuck into your strainer.

For the finishing touch, you can garnish your Royal Bill cocktail with a sprig of fresh basil or a twist of lime peel. This will not only enhance the visual appeal of your drink but also add a subtle aroma that complements the flavors. Grab a straw or a fancy stirrer, and your Royal Bill cocktail is now ready to be enjoyed!

The Royal Bill cocktail is a versatile drink that can be enjoyed on its own or paired with various dishes. Its crisp and refreshing taste makes it a great choice for summer gatherings, while the herbal notes of basil add a unique twist to the traditional cocktail experience. So, gather your ingredients, shake up a Royal Bill, and savor the flavors of this delightful libation!

Best served in a Champagne Flute.