Brandy Blazer

Brandy Blazer recipe

Brandy Blazer Ingredients

Brandy Blazer Instructions

The Brandy Blazer is a classic cocktail that originated in the late 19th century. It is a warm and comforting drink, perfect for chilly nights or as a festive treat during the holiday season.

To make a Brandy Blazer, you will need a few key ingredients and some special equipment. Start by gathering your ingredients:

1. Brandy - You will need a good quality brandy for this cocktail. Look for a brandy that is smooth and flavorful.

2. Sugar - A small amount of sugar is used to sweeten the cocktail.

3. Water - A small amount of water is needed to dilute the cocktail and create steam.

4. Lemon Peel - A lemon peel is used to add a burst of citrus flavor to the drink.

Next, you will need some special equipment:

1. Brandy snifter - This is a specialized glass that is designed for brandy and other spirits. It has a wide, bowl-like shape that allows the aroma of the brandy to be captured.

2. Long-handled spoon - You will need a long-handled spoon to stir the cocktail and mix the ingredients together.

3. Lighter or matches - A lighter or matches are used to ignite the cocktail and create a stunning visual display.

Once you have all your ingredients and equipment ready, you can start making the Brandy Blazer:

1. Start by warming your brandy snifter. You can do this by rinsing it with warm water or placing it in a warm oven for a few minutes. Warming the glass helps to keep the drink hot for longer.

2. In a separate glass, combine the brandy, sugar, and water. Stir until the sugar has dissolved.

3. Carefully pour the mixture into the warmed brandy snifter.

4. Take your lemon peel and hold it over the snifter. Ignite the lemon peel with a lighter or matches, allowing the flame to gently kiss the brandy. Be careful not to burn yourself or the glass.

5. Stir the flaming brandy gently with a long-handled spoon. This will help to mix the ingredients together and extinguish the flame.

6. Serve immediately while still warm. The Brandy Blazer is best enjoyed slowly, sipping the warm and flavorful drink.

The Brandy Blazer is a classic cocktail that is sure to impress your guests. Its warm and comforting flavors make it the perfect drink for cozy nights by the fire.

Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.