Cuba Libre

Cuba Libre recipe

Cuba Libre Ingredients

  • 1/2 (Juice of) Lime

Cuba Libre Instructions

Looking for a tasty and refreshing cocktail to enjoy on a warm summer day? Look no further than the classic Cuba Libre! This iconic cocktail is a favorite among many, known for its simple yet delicious combination of rum, cola, and lime.

The Cuba Libre, which means "Free Cuba" in Spanish, is said to have been created in Havana, Cuba around the time of the Spanish-American War. It was reportedly crafted as a toast to celebrate Cuba's independence from Spain.

To make a Cuba Libre, you'll need a few basic ingredients and some simple instructions. Start by filling a glass with ice, then add a shot (or two) of your favorite rum. Next, pour in the cola of your choice until the glass is about three-fourths full.

To add a twist of citrus, squeeze in the juice of half a lime. This will give the drink a refreshing and tangy flavor. For an extra burst of lime, you can also garnish the glass with a slice of lime.

To finish off your Cuba Libre, give it a gentle stir to mix all the flavors together. Then, sit back, relax, and enjoy this classic cocktail that perfectly captures the spirit of Cuba.

Whether you're hosting a summer BBQ, lounging by the pool, or simply craving a tropical drink, the Cuba Libre is sure to hit the spot. Cheers to freedom and good times!

Best served in a Highball Glass.

Cuba Libre Variations Kix76 |

Cuba Libre: What is known as rum and coke in the English speaking world known as cuba libre in the Spanish speaking and perhaps in the other part of the world. It is a very simple but very well known cocktail worldwide and contains rum, cola and lime juice.Mix all the ingredients together in a Highball glass and served with a slice of lime as garnish. The origin and the name(Free Cuba) is disputed. The drink has a political connotation with regard to the current diplomatic status between American and Communist ruled Cuba. Cubans living in exile and opposed to the rule of Friedl Castro, call it Mentirita, means little lie.

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